Blue Flower

  • Education Playground
    • Initial Setup
      • To access the new Education Playground web app, click on (or key in) the following link using any internet connected device –
      • On the main screen (a Google Chrome browser is preferred), select Franchise Stylist
      • Go to the bottom of the page and look for 'Don't have an account? Sign up here'
      • As part of the first-time sign-in, you’ll need to enter your first/last name, and your Salon ID
      • Note: Stylists should only enter their own Salon ID (If you don't know your salon ID ask your manager or me)
      • Accept the EULA (End User License Agreement) by checking the box then click “Continue.” 
  • Regis Technical Training
    • Regis updates videos on an ongoing basis so please watch for new videos monthly.
  • Working the Leaseline
    • Did you know that the average Walmart Supercenter has 5000 shoppers per day? Would you like to know how to attract more of those customers to your salon? If you haven't already seen it, take a moment to watch our latest Working The Leaseline video. This resource walks you through the unique opportunity SmartStyle salons have to engage Walmart shoppers, raising their awareness of your salon, and educating them on the services you offer. Be sure to share it with your stylists today!